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My path to taking the stress out of cancer

“Aha” moments, building your resilience, and staying the course.

A 3-decade-long journey with cancer is all-encompassing. You experience “Aha” moments. Life-changing moments. Moments you never thought could or would ever happen. Massive highs. And epic lows.

You have seismic shifts in the way you think about things.

And if you’re lucky, you learn you can impact your cancer and your overall health in simple ways you and your surgeon never thought possible.

You realize it’s not just what you do that matters. It’s also what you think. Your attitude. Your faith. And what you believe. Reducing your stress, adjusting your thoughts and building your resilience can be as powerful as any prescription. But much cheaper and without all those pesky side effects.

I’m happy to share the things I’ve learned along my lengthy cancer journey. Like what cancer does to a Type A personality. How strength can be driven by weakness. How low self-esteem can be overcome as personal value is discovered. And the importance of learning to be grateful for your blessings. Even when one of those “blessings” is cancer.

Everyone has stress in their lives. But it affects us much more than we realize. And only recently has Western Medicine started catching on. Stress is definitely not just something just to be “sucked up and dealt with”.

The key is building your resilience, learning how to handle your stress and react to it in positive ways so it works for you instead of against you. I’m happy to share the life hacks and discoveries I’ve made as part of my 30-year experience, conveniently condensed into one presentation, just for you and your group.

My journey includes a lot of trial and error with alternative medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, faith, lack of faith and a lot more. This will save you approximately 29 years, 364 days of figuring it out on your own.